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Cancer Moon Sign Karkat Rashi Horoscope 2019

Introduction- You do not love to live in one place. You are religious. You love to speak the truth. You love to bring new changes in your life. You are intelligent. You are a person full of suspicion. You are witty, simple and a controlled person. You are restless. You are an ardent follower of God.


Nature- You are a thoughtful person. You think deeply before involving in a work. You love straight talks. You do not tolerate misdeeds, and you protest against them. You love to move fast. You are mentally very strong. You do not easily spare people if you get angry on them. You are an eccentric person. You love religion. Your lifestyle keeps on changing. You love to speak the truth.

Character- You are religious, truthful and love to help your near ones. But you are capable of changing your habits at any time. You are a healthy, fat and short-heighted human being. You are restless in habit. You do not live too long in one place. You do not love to think and accept the thoughts of others. You are a person of self-gravity. You love to b indulged in works where there your vested interest lies.

Family Condition- This year will not be good I your family life. The present year will be a restless one and full of excitement for you. You have to keep your mood cool. Family problems can even lead to marital problems. You may be indulged in some issues regarding women and property. You might lose many chances. You won’t get any form of financial help. Your health will trouble you and there are chances of operation in your body. You may get weak financially. Your child’s fortune will be good and you will be proud of them. Your friends will help you. Cold weather may give you trouble. You may be profitable in business. Your enemies may increase this year. To get rid of them, you may build a Shiva Linga of lead in your home. Your father’s health may give you trouble. You may not be in good terms with your relatives, and they may hinder your success. Education may be your forte. Bachelors may get married. You may get some ready cash in hand. You may go for a foreign visit with your family. Mental anxiety and hard work will keep you in pressure.

Financial condition- This year there will be hindrances in your economic condition. There may be over expense. There are also chances of getting a lot of money suddenly. Be aware of monetary transactions, or you may get cheated. You can get your debts back from some debtor. Hard work will give you money. Problems in your work place will cause financial trouble. Friends might help you with money. Some petty matter may cost you a lot of money. Due to money problems you may have to sell some ancestral property. You have to invest money in business. This year your expenditure will be more than your net income.

Job and Business- Service persons are fortunate this year, but the job sector may give problems. Work place can increase enemies. There are chances of promotion this year. People searching for jobs may see good results. Trade can encounter problems. You may have to change business. Partnership business may bear good profit. Be careful while investing in a new business. Professional matters may bring success. Promotion chances may suffer hindrances. This year you may be overloaded with debts. Unemployed youths may get jobs. People in property business will be profitable. Your family and friends may help you with money in business.

Health- Your health will have changes this year. Family problems may create health issues for you. Be aware while you travel. You may suffer from multiple injuries. Some old health problem may crop up. Accidents are likely to happen. You may have to spend a lot of money for your treatment. Cold problems may occur. Mother’s health will be okay, but father’s health will keep you anxious. Restrain from over-consuming oily and junk food, or you may fall sick.

Education- There may be some problems in the way of your studies, but you will come up with your intelligence.  Financial problems may arise in education. Higher studies are lucky this year. You will have many opportunities this year. Research work may suffer from problems. Sports, politics and religious matters will bring success. Medical and engineering students are fortunate this year. Worship Goddess Saraswati and wear her amulet to get free from educational problems.

Friend circle- Your relatives may help you, but they may also be dishonest with you. But you will get helped by everyone. People will dislike you for your straight talks. Your friends will increase and you will get help from them. You may be grieved by someone’s death. You may go to foreign tours with your friends.

Love and marital life- This year will not be good for love and marital life. Family problems will crop up. Financial issues may come in marital relations. Be careful of love affairs. You may develop relation with multiple women. Bachelors may face problems in the way of their marriage. You will be sympathetic towards your female partner. Some near relative may create problem in your married life. Your wife may get sick and you may have several quarrels with her. You may get involved in nasty issues regarding women.

Social life- You love to do social work, and you feel responsible to the society. You can adjust very well with others. You will stick with the common men to get their admiration. You do not tolerate anti-social activities, and you protest them. You try to balance criminal acts with your social work.


Females of Cancer have a slightly darker skin complexion. They love to be with everyone and are talkative. Your words are sweet and you can engage into an interesting conversation with anyone. You love to travel. You may have relation with multiple males. You may suffer small hurdles in your education. You are an ardent believer of God. Sagittarius and Capricorn men can be your best marital partners. This year your health will not go well, and you may get indulged in brawls with others. Spinsters may get married this year. Property problems may crop up. Your children’s fortune will be good and you may sacrifice a lot for them. You have life risk 3 times this year. You may suffer from throat, shoulder and chest problems. You have risks of an accident this year.